“As Long As She Understands That I’m Her Job!”

High value buffoonery is at an all time high.

4 min readSep 6, 2022

It was a fall day sometime in 2020. I wasn’t driving then so I relied heavily on Ubers. Emmanuel was his name. He had a nice, brand-new whip, a Lexus if I recall correctly. I got in, we said hello, he confirmed my home destination and we took off.

I’m quiet, introverted and don’t interact with random men unless I must, so I forget exactly how we arrived at this line of conversation. He probably thought I was pretty and decided to engage me as we drove. Which is the issue I have with most men- they think because I’m in their presence that they MUST find a way to talk to me. Ugh.

Anyways, completely unprovoked, Emmanuel begins telling me that his car is brand-new and that he has four daughters and how he just bought his oldest a vehicle too. He also tells me how his ex-wife was a Black woman and that he would never date Black women again.

This was a Black man speaking, who has four Black daughters, and presumably, a Black mother, as he spoke to me, a Black woman customer in the back of his SUV…

Wow, if there’s one these Y chromosomes have- it’s the fucking audacity. I didn’t care to chat, so I responded briefly just trying to be polite as I endured the ride home.




Ntuitive Empath, HSP, Mom to Cats & Small Humans. Lover of Astrology ~Psychology ~Magick~Self Help & Healing. Available for winning content: mel415nn@gmail.com